Middle & High School Painting I // Decorative Line Animals

Medium: Acrylic painting
Time: 1-2 weeks
Grade: 9-12  Art II: Intermediate Art class
Objective: Explore impressionism, painting and color
Materials: Canvas, acrylic paint, brushes, water, paper towel.

The Following Lesson is provided by:
ART EDUCATOR: Sabrina Wingren, Spokane Valley, Washington


Sabrina's Teaching Blog: A SPACE TO CREATE.COM {Click here}

Sabrina's High School site: {Click here}
Sabrina's lesson is also available for purchase on her Teacher pay Teacher account: {click here}

Sabrina's Instructional Technique: "I have students look up an animal of their choice online and have them print it in color and in grayscale. I have them grid the grayscale printout and their final surface. I talk to them about not using paint directly from the tube, but mixing their colors. I also talk about color bias and give the paint accordingly. They do a color plan and a small scale test of colors on a scrap piece of paper before beginning. We talk about rhythm and line and do some Zentangles as a precursor to this lesson." Sabrina Wingren


      Teacher: Sabrina Wingren
      Class: Art I
      Grade: 6-12
      State: Washington
      Teachers Blog: [Website]

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