New week, new classroom Photo Apps!

Two buzz-worthy discoveries for Photo teachers this month:

New Phone app: OKDOTHIS
New Website:

Ok Do this is a photo-sharing app that creates a new spin on taking images. The idea is simple, to  "get rid of creative block". See interface and video below.

I found the app is easy to use and a great resource for the lesson ideas.  Even if students don't have a smart phone device, the categories can be used as in class photo prompts for shooting assignments...plain and simple: well worth the $2.00 download fee!
Check out interface samples below.
 is a photo-narrative website that allows users to create simple blog like posts + text.
{3 for free}
Great tool for photo-journaling, or iPhone based photo essay assignment.

A former photo student shared the news of feature on the site this morning, couldn't wait to pass it along.

Check out his photo essay on the Staff pick page: MATTHEW KALAPUCH

Have fun!

Feel free to comment or share you discoveries with us!

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