High School Art lesson: Cubism

Medium: Oil Pastels
Time: 1week
Grade: 9-12  Art I: Foundations of Art class
Objective: Explore Cubist art, Create a drawing in the cubist style focusing on Shape.
Materials: Large Black paper, oil pastels

After focusing on Value and drawing from life, I transitioned to the next of the art elememts: Shape. I had student explore & critique cubist style art work in various mediums. My big picture ideal is that later in life they will be able to identify an artwork from an of the art movements however the main objective for a foundations class is experiment with various mediums, successfully incorporate the art elements in their work and strengthen their knowledge of composition.

With that I give you cubist inspire pastel drawings.......
Focus: Value, Shape and Line.
See STEPS below

HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism HS Art Lesson//Cubism

Phase One: Students crate cubist style sketched from a photo or life.
Phase 2: Students experiment with oil pastels to create value
Phase 3: Sketches are transferred to large paper, the objective is that each square successfully incorporates value. BLACK is added for extra "pop" and contrast.

HS Art Lesson//Cubism

      Teacher: Meredith Hudson
      Class: High School: Art I
      Grade: 9-12
      State: NJ
      Teachers Artwork: [Website]

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